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Sloppy Meateaters


专辑名称:Shameless Self-Promotion

Sloppy Josh Sloppy Kevin Sloppy Travis

The Sloppy Meateaters orignally formed in Feb '98. It was 3 guys (Josh, Kevin, Brent) deciding to play together to kill some time. Josh (myself), was gearing up to move to San Diego, CA with my band NOCLASS. SME only played together for about 3 months and after playing a handful of shows, making a little demo tape, we realized that being a pop punk band in Rome GA was alot like a Jew knocking back a few drinks with their good ole buddy Hitler... It just wasn't gonna happen. We called it quits and went our separate ways.

I had moved out to San Diego with NOCLASS, Kevin was finishing highschool and fooling around in a few bands back in Rome Ga, and Brent...well who cares, Right?

After 8 months in San Diego, I was fed up with money problems, dealing with the fact that NoClass went through bass players like your dad goes through hookers, and just not being happy in general. It was a horrible time for me, I lived for about 4 months on a living room floor with a 45 year-old ex-glamrock groupie. Now don't get me wrong she was very generous to let me sleep on the living room floor and pay 50% of ALL the bills. I also met some of the most horrible superficial two-faced creatures that even Aaron Spelling couldn't dream up. I did meet a few cool people so really it wasn't as bad as i'm making it out to be, I'm a drama queen! ANYWAY, Eventually all these factors put an end to NOCLASS and I packed up my bags and moved back to GA. This wasn't just a spur of the moment thing. I had talked to Kevin about restarting SME and actually doing it with 100% effort. The plan was: Josh moves back to GA ... Josh, Kevin, and Brent restart SME ... SME takes over the wo! rld! Easy enough right? ... WRONG

Upon moving back to GA and about a month of playing together me and Kevin kick Brent out of the band for one reason and one reason only...HE SUCKED! Once again the bass player curse struck me and I wasn't sure if I could keep it going. You have to understand that in Rome GA it is IMPOSSIBLE to find someone that plays an instrument and doesn't dedicate their soul to Korn and that stuff. Luckily, Kevin knew a guy named Travis who was amazing at bass and was into SME's kinda music but the only bad thing was.....he lived 8 hours away in Orlando FL. We tried to convince Travis to move up to GA but it wasn't happening cuz he still had a semester left in highschool and wanted to finish that up. So, we decide 'Hey why don't we move to Orlando?' 'Cuz we're broke and don't have jobs?' 'Oh yeah' So this brings you pretty much up to date.

We tour and play shows constantly and although we're 8 hours away from our bassist we've managed to keep things rolling smoothly. OH yeah, during all this mess Kevin and myself recorded a CD 'Shameless Self-Promotion' and put it out completly DIY! I played bass on the CD(that's why the bass sucks) just wanted it to be clear that Travis aka the BASS GOD didn't play on it and make him a laughing stock to all other bass GODS!

Well that pretty much sums up our past. Thanks for taking the time to read this and cya at a show!

1. Another Friend
2. Home
3. I Sing Like a Girl
4. Explore the Obvious
5. A Dumb Guy in a Stupid Band
6. Mom
7. My Secret Killer
8. Outta Control
9. What Did We Learn Today?
10. Nobody Likes Me
11. Hang On to Me
12. Shonka Tonk